final day in barcelona.
Stopped at the cafe near home and read Miller over a couple of cafe con leches. Strong coffee here. Caffeine is a psychoactive stimulant, everpresent in our daily lives. THe bulk of the population is high all the time. "But it's just coffee!" Caffeine and nicotine, our legal drugs. Hum.
Had the shakes by the time I asked for la cuenta, laughing out loud at a chapter all about Van Norden. Miller completely owns me, I'm his literary slave. Packed upw hen I got home to the flat. It was a good way to spend all my caffeinated energy. Now I'm ready to leave in the morning. Waking up in 7 hous to board an 11:21 train to Avignon, no reservations, excited. Not even as excited to be there as I am to be going there and getting there. Motion.
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